5 Business Aspects That You Should Automate to Achieve Growth

· 6 min read
5 Business Aspects that you should automate for business growth

Do you know that automation has helped B2B brands improve sales by 20%?

Automation has been adopted in almost every sector - from healthcare systems to assembly lines to ATMs - over the decades. But machine learning and artificial intelligence are taking automation to another extreme level. According to IBM Institute, business automation has helped generate billions of dollars in labour costs in 2022.

“All these facts point to just one direction - automation is highly beneficial.”

If your business still hasn't adopted it, you are missing out on a lot of potential growth. When it comes to automation, business owners are always confused about which process to implement it. Here are the top five business aspects you can automate to capture leads and experience growth. But before that let's have an overview of business automation.

What is Business Automation?

What is Business Automation?

Before getting into the details, we must first understand what is business automation. Business automation refers to automating repetitive tasks or processes of business. It's done using advanced automation technology which is combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Using business automation, employees' time can be saved, which can be utilised for other integral tasks.

When automation was first introduced, not every brand used to prefer it. It was because automation required large mainframes and dedicated experts for its maintenance. But today, automation technology has advanced so much that the involvement of humans in its maintenance has become minimal. You can invest in technology or software such as Teleduce AI CRM, which comes with an in-built automation facility. When you have automation in hand, here are potential business areas you can automate.

5 Things Your Business Needs to Automate For Better Growth

Although automation can be applied in a wide range of business processes. But we want to focus on the really important ones. So here are the top five things/areas of business you can consider automating to experience better growth:

Customer Relation Management

Customer Relation Management

Managing lead pipeline efficiency can be pretty tough. But with automation, it can become hassle-free. With customer relationship management you can automate the whole customer relation management. Marketing automation will ensure that all the tasks related to lead management are done the right way. For example, with automation, you can ensure that leads receive timely follow-up emails, promotional messages and other support.

Do you know that 7 in 10 customers are willing to pay more to businesses if customer service is exceptional? Also, more than 70% of purchase decisions are based on how valid a customer feels during the shopping process. These stats clearly show that maintaining healthy customer relations isn't just important but necessary for business growth. Using email automation you can do that without any hardship.



Creating invoices is a pretty overwhelming process. Things can become even tougher if you're a medium or large business with lots of sales orders. You probably have to create a large number of invoices throughout the day. Let's keep the invoice creation part aside for a while and focus our attention on another integral task i.e. sending those invoices. Sending invoices to the right customer at the right time is one of the biggest tasks for a company.

If you find it hard to manage your invoicing process, try automating it. A convenient tool to consider would be a free invoice generator. Not only does it automate the invoice creation process, but it also generally possesses features that enable custom invoices, regular updates, and immediate dispatch to customers.

That will be the best decision you can take to promote growth and productivity among employees. When you automate the whole invoicing process, you don't have to assign employees for that task. This will not just save their time, but also ensure that customers receive their invoices on time. Any potential human error will be eliminated from the process, making invoice management efficient and productive. Lastly, integrating accounting practice management software can further streamline operations, enhancing overall efficiency and accuracy in managing financial tasks.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

According to Sprout Social, more than 55% of customers explore new brands through social media. It goes without saying that having a social media presence is highly critical in today's competitive marketplace. When it comes to social media management, having so many accounts to take care of, can make things overwhelming. Making content, circulating it throughout various accounts and then integrating with customers will be a hassle.

Automation comes as a lifesaver for your brand. By automating social media management, you have done 90% of the tough part. You can just sit back and let your automated CRM software curate content on your social media accounts. Consistency, timely posts, customer interactions, etc. can be achieved in the most effortless manner using automation. Additionally, integrating strategies like Instagram DM automation allows you to handle direct messages efficiently, providing quick and personalized responses to your followers. In other words, achieving your social media goals is merely a responsibility with business automation.

Customer Support

Customer Support

Customer support is the backbone of every business. Without efficient customer support, your brand won't just lose customers but it'll be difficult to convert more. Being a business owner, you might already be aware of the fact that offering quality customer support isn't as easy as it might appear. There are so many tasks that are involved in customer support, which helps in maintaining a smooth customer experience.

What if we say that we have found the most effortless way to improve customer support? It's none other than business automation. By automating some of the tasks related to customer support you can ensure leads are nurtured in the best way. Besides, you can always go with a CRM such as Teleduce for automation features. Automating customer support makes sure that leads don't leave your website without interacting.

Collection of Customer Feedback

Collection of Customer Feedback

Feedbacks are really important for every business to improve their services and product. It helps us know what customers think about the brand and its offerings. However, when it comes to feedback collection, many businesses find it hard to manage. Feedback forms are meant to be shared at the right time, to get the most out of them. But sending so many feedback forms on a regular basis will give anxiety to anyone.

Why don't you try automating this process? With a CRM such as Teleduce, you can automate the whole customer feedback process. The advanced AI combined with automation will ensure customers receive their feedback forms at the right time. Moreover, the software will also analyse the feedback and share the insights with you in real time. This saves you time as you can directly use those insights to improve your marketing tactics and campaigns.

Final Words

Automation can be a game changer for your business. You can literally experience the results of this advanced technology in the first few days of implementation. If you have made your decision to go for automation, but are confused about where to implement it, bookmark this blog.

Today, we have shared with you the top five areas or aspects of business which can be automated. All of them have an adequate impact on your company’s growth. Therefore, automation will ensure they are being performed in the best possible way.

Lastly, if you know anyone in your friend circle who’s struggling to grow their business, share this blog with them. Let me know about this wonderful technology they are missing out on because that’s what friends are for.