How to Connect Email ID with Corefactors CRM?

· 1 min read
How to Connect Email ID with Corefactors CRM?

Follow the below steps to connect your Email account with Corefactors CRM:

  1. Go to Integrations (insert symbol) from the menu on the left side of the Corefactors AI CRM screen
  2. This will take you to the Third Party Integrations page
  3. Select the third option- Email
  4. Click on the Configure button in the Send and Receive Emails box
  5. You can enable either or both send and receive email options
  6. Click on the Sign in with Google button
  7. Enter your Email ID and then click on Integrate
  8. Sign in to your Email account
  9. Allow access to all specifications
  10. Click on Continue
  11. Your Email ID is now connected with Corefactors CRM

All emails sent from and received in this Email ID will be logged in Lead Box Activity.